Thursday, August 30, 2007

Week 2 Copyright, Fair Use & Plagiarism


The first copyright law was enacted in 1790 to encourage the advancement of science and creativity. According to that law individuals had to apply for copyright protection and the term of copyright was 14 years, plus a possible 14 year renewal.

The Copyright Law of 1976 provides for immediate protection of work that is a)original, b) creative to a minimal degree, and c) in a fixed or tangible form. The term of copyright was the life of the author plus 50 years.

The Digital Millennium Act of 1998 extended the terms of copyright to life of author plus 70 years. In 2001 the Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act was passed and relates to distance education.

Creative Commons (founded in 2001) provides a way for individuals to protect their work, but also encourage certain uses of them. They provide various license possibilities some with “some rights reserved” and some with “no rights reserved” and provide an easy way to add the html code to a web site. Photos on Flickr often display the CC symbols.

Fair Use is part 107 of the Copyright Law and sets guidelines for allowing teachers and students to use copyrighted material legally depending on four factors:
--purpose of use
--nature of the work
--amount used
--effect on the market

Web Sites Regarding Copyright & Fair Use
Copyright with Cyberbee
"A Visit to Copyright Bay"
Fair(y) Use Tale

Articles Regarding Copyright & Fair Use
Starr, L. (2006) "Copyright & Fair Use"
Davidson, H (2002) “The Educator’s Guide to Copyright and Fair Use"
"Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for Teachers" Chart
Indiana University “Copyright Management Center"

Remember ....
*Work does not need to include a copyright symbol to be protected by copyright law. Original work that has a tangible form of expression is automatically copyrighted.
*Permission & Attribution - It is important to seek permission for educational use. Always provide proper attribution of the work of others whether materials is copyrighted or in the public domain.

Plagiarism is using the work of someone else in such a way that it appears as one’s original work.
Detection Tools
EVE2 (Essay Verification Engine)

Week 2 - Technology Standards


Technology & EALRs & GLEs
K-12 Technology Inventory (06/07)
Thinkfinity - Linking Lesson Plans with Washington State Standards
Technology Use in Classroom


Standards for Students - The Next Generation
NETS for Students: Achievement Rubric (2005)
Profiles for Technology Literate Students (2007 draft)

Teacher Achievement Rubric
Profiles for Technology Literate Teachers
- Professional Preparation Performance Profile

Models of Technology Integration
Connecting Curriculum & Technology - See Section 3 for Lesson Plans

Major Subject Areas

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Week 1 - Blogging

What is a Blog?

A blog or weblog is a web site that is easy to create, update and publish. They are created for various reasons and usually consist of ideas, reflections, projects and links to other blogs or web sites. Blogs are common in the education field as teachers and classes using the blog format to share thoughts and ideas and to collaborate on projects.

Anne Davis, an elementary school teacher in Georgia created a list of "Ways to Use Weblogs in Education" in her blogs called EduBlog Insights. Also see "A Place to Be Heard: Elementary Writers Learn to Love their Weblogs" written by Anne Davis regarding student blogs.

Elementary School Examples
Green Meadow Elementary School Blog
Meriwether Lewis Elementary School Blog

Middle & Secondary School Examples
Guerrila Season Book Blog -- Mr. Langhort's American History (8th grade) at South Valley Junior High School in Liberty MO
Applied Math -- Darren Kuropatwa, math teacher in Winnipeg

Example of Blogging Guidelines
Technology in the Classroom



Mr. C's Class Blog
Mrs. Elliott's Fourth Grade Beach Party

Blogger Tips & Tricks
What's A Blog Tour
Classroom Blogs and Wiki's

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Creating a Blog Using


Create a New Post

*Choose Create tab
*Add title to the "Title" box
*Add body of entry
*If you are not ready to publish what you are working on you click on "Save Now"
*If you are ready to publish, click on "Publish Post"
*You can add labels for your post by typing words in "Labels for this post:" box

Edit Posts
*Choose Edit Posts tab
*Make changes and "Save" or "Publish"

You might want to change some of the settings to make your blog more secure.

*"Add your blog to our listing" - change to No

*"Enable Comment Moderation" - default is No. If you want to see moderate comments before they are visible to others change to Yes
*"Show Word Verification" - default is No. If you want to make sure that spammers are not adding comments change to Yes

You can add new posts to your blog via email by creating an email address at

*Fill in the box following "Mail-to-Blogger Address"
*If you want the post to auto publish directly to your blog click in the Publish box
* The subject line in your email becomes the title of your post

Page Elements:
You can add a number of elements to your page such as a link list, pictures and text lists
Click on "Add a Page Element" to see the elements that are available.

To add a Link List:
*Click on "Add A Page Element"
*Click on "Add to Blog" under "Link List"
*Type "Title" in box (eg. "Blogs of Classmates")
*Type "New Site URL" in box (blog address)
*Type "New Site Name" in box (classmates initials)
*Click on "Add Link" to add another link to the same category
*Click on "Save Changes" - Choose sorting option if desired

Click on "View Blog" at any time to see what you blog looks like with the changes you have made. Be aware that only "Published" posts will show up.


Using Google Docs