Thursday, August 23, 2007

Week 1 - Blogging

What is a Blog?

A blog or weblog is a web site that is easy to create, update and publish. They are created for various reasons and usually consist of ideas, reflections, projects and links to other blogs or web sites. Blogs are common in the education field as teachers and classes using the blog format to share thoughts and ideas and to collaborate on projects.

Anne Davis, an elementary school teacher in Georgia created a list of "Ways to Use Weblogs in Education" in her blogs called EduBlog Insights. Also see "A Place to Be Heard: Elementary Writers Learn to Love their Weblogs" written by Anne Davis regarding student blogs.

Elementary School Examples
Green Meadow Elementary School Blog
Meriwether Lewis Elementary School Blog

Middle & Secondary School Examples
Guerrila Season Book Blog -- Mr. Langhort's American History (8th grade) at South Valley Junior High School in Liberty MO
Applied Math -- Darren Kuropatwa, math teacher in Winnipeg

Example of Blogging Guidelines
Technology in the Classroom



Mr. C's Class Blog
Mrs. Elliott's Fourth Grade Beach Party

Blogger Tips & Tricks
What's A Blog Tour
Classroom Blogs and Wiki's

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