Thursday, October 11, 2007

Week 9 - Internet Safety & Cyberbullying

Children’s Internet Protection Act (2000)

Resources: WebSites
CyberSmart – Online Professional Development and Curriculum
Surf Swell Island: Adventures in Internet Safety (Disney)
Pacer Center's Kids Against Bullying
A Parent’s Guide to Online Safety: Ages & Stages (Mircosoft)

Resources: Articles
"ABC's of Bullying Prevention" by K. Stone (2006)
"As bullies go high-tech, lawmakers say schools should be fighting back" Seattle Times (2007) "Educator's Guide to Cyberbullying: Addressing the Harm Caused by Online Social Cruelty" by N. Willard

Resources: Software & Options
iSAFE - Internet Safety Instruction
iSAFE statistics
Websense – School & Library Internet Filtering Software
iProtectYou – Web Filtering Software
NetNanny – Popular Software for home use
Google Safe
Yahoo SafeSearch

Acceptable Use Policies
K-20 Network Acceptable Use Policy - Sample

In Class Project: Use a "new" search engine or metacrawler (See Class Blog - Week 3) to search for the "Acceptable Use Policy" in the school (or district) where you are doing your observation or at the high school you attended. What does the policy cover? What will be your responsibility as a teacher if you teach in this school district?

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