Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 5 - More Web 2.0 Tools

Social Bookmarking
Blinklist.com - "For all the web sites you want to get back to... "
-"Simply del.icio.us: Online Social Bookmarking" by D. Muir
-"5 Things you Need to Know before using del.icio.us" by R. Newburn
Furl - "Your personal web file"
Stumbleupon - "Discover new sites"

Online Storage
Box.net - Web based file access and sharing
Media Max - "Best online storage on the web"

Web Start Pages
Pageflakes - "Personalize your homepage..."

Online Applications
Chat Creator - "Add chat to your site"
Map Builder.net - "...tag locations on a map and publish it on your own site"
Zoho Creator - "Create online database applications in minutes"

Free Internet Calls

Create Personal Search Engine
Google Co-op - "Create your own search engine"
Rollyo - "Roll your own search engine"

Visual Sharing
Gliffy - "Draw and share diagrams on the web"
Skrbl - "The complete web whiteboard"

Office 2.0
Google Docs & Spreadsheets
Zoho Office Suite

LibraryThing - "Catalog your books online"
TaDa Lists - "Simple, sharable to-do lists"
AssignADay - "Teacher-created calendars to manage classes and assignments"

Other Resources
Web 2.0 Tools by Kathy Schrock
Shedding Lite on Web 2.0 by Kathy Schrock
Web 2.0 Ideas for Educators: A Guide to RSS and More by Quentin D'Souza (753KB)
The Best Web 2.0 Software for 2006

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