Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Week 14 - Technology & Teaching - What's Next?

What do you think your classroom will look like in 5 years? In 10 years?

International Collaboration
Student Exchange, Without the Jet Lag: Educational Collaboration in a Virtual World
Global Education on a Dime: A Low Cost Way to Connect
Flat Classroom Project Launch Today

High Tech High Schools
High Tech High
Microsoft's High-Tech High
Three Cities, One New High-Tech High School

Online Schools
Insight School of Washington See Press Release 8/29/2007
Internet Academy/K-12 Online Education

Virtual Teachers & Friends
Virtual Teacher Could Change Distance Learning
Toddlers Embarce Our (Giggling) Robotic Overlords

Cell Phones
From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Schools
Cell Phones for Learning

eBeam - alternative for Interactive White Board - Any white board or surface turns into an interactive board

One Laptop Per Child XO Computer
Give One Get One Program
Explore the XO

Can technology have a role in reducing student drop out rates?
"'Dropout Factory' at Some State Schools" Seattle PI 10/27/2007
22 High Schools Labeled 'Dropout Factories'
"...no more than 60 percent of the students who start as freshmen make it to their senior year."

Access to Technology and Educational Blogs using Bloglines

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