Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 14th - Technology Leftovers

United Streaming
- See Discovery for user name and password

Google for Educators includes Tools for Your Classroom, Classroom Activities, Classroom Posters and Teacher Community

Google Docs in Plain English (YouTube)
Comparison of Using Google Docs and Conventional Wordprocessing (or Things to do with Google Docs)
Teacher Crib Sheet for Docs
Collaborative Revisions with Google Docs
Article: "Getting Good with Google Docs" (TechLearning, 10/07)
Google Earth Blog

Library Resources
Books, Print Journals & Curriculum Materials
Online Databases - ERIC & Education Research Complete

Other Resources
PowerPoint Templates - See links in Week 13 under Presentation Software Tools
Creating a podcast using Freecorder - Download Freecorder Toolbar - User Guide
Password Safe - create a secure name/password database on your computer

Good Books
Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin
- About building schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World by John Wood
- Room for Books program
A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers will Rule the Future by Daniel Pink
Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled -- and more miserable than Ever Before by Jean Twenge

Educating the First Digital Generation
by Paul Harwood and Victor Asal
"Don't Bother me Mom -- I'm Learning": How Computer and Video Games are Preparing Your Kids for 21st Century Success -- and How You Can Help by Marc Prensky

Teacher Standards - How are you doing?
Professional Preparation Performance Profile

Please take a survey using Zoomerang Survey Software

Remember to sign up for your Final Presentation day & order

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