Sunday, December 9, 2007

Week 16 - Final Class

Presentation Schedule for December 11th

Starla R
Jenny W
Jennah M
Emma S
Hannah B
Ryan L

Check out the Pen Pad Wireless Tablet. We will have one to play with on Tuesday night!

Proverbs 2:1 - 11

My sons (and daughters), if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, Turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding,
And if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding,
And if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure,
Then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,
For he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.
Then you will understand what is right and just and fair – every good path.
For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.”

Saturday, December 1, 2007

RSS Feeds

Amanda mentioned in her presentation that a RSS feed could be added to a blog and those who subscribed to the RSS feed would be alerted when something new was added. Here is some information on RSS Feeds.

A RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed provides for the delivery of updated information from multiple sources to one location. The setting for the blog needs to allow the RSS feature and the recipient needs to use a RSS Reader to collect the updated material. The RSS default for is that "blog feeds" are allowed (see Settings then Site Feed).

The other part of setting up a RSS feed is that you need a place to collect all the blog that you subscribe to. These are called RSS Aggregators or Readers. There are many available but the most common is Bloglines. Google Reader is another option.

Using Bloglines as an example here is how you would set up a RSS Reader.
- Create or log into Bloglines account
- Click on "Feed" tab
- Click on "Add"
- In "Blog or Feed URL" type in URL for the blog you want to add
- If more than one site appears on next page, click in the box of URL you want to add
- You have a number of options: You can create folders. You also have a private or public option
- Click on Subscribe
- On left side of screen you will see the name of the blog that you subscribed to
- Click on name of the blog and you will see the new posts to this blog.

Some Tools & Resources:
Google Reader
It's Really Is Really Simple: RSS for Educators
Add RSS feeds to your Bloglines account (YouTube podcast)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Week 14 - Technology & Teaching - What's Next?

What do you think your classroom will look like in 5 years? In 10 years?

International Collaboration
Student Exchange, Without the Jet Lag: Educational Collaboration in a Virtual World
Global Education on a Dime: A Low Cost Way to Connect
Flat Classroom Project Launch Today

High Tech High Schools
High Tech High
Microsoft's High-Tech High
Three Cities, One New High-Tech High School

Online Schools
Insight School of Washington See Press Release 8/29/2007
Internet Academy/K-12 Online Education

Virtual Teachers & Friends
Virtual Teacher Could Change Distance Learning
Toddlers Embarce Our (Giggling) Robotic Overlords

Cell Phones
From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Schools
Cell Phones for Learning

eBeam - alternative for Interactive White Board - Any white board or surface turns into an interactive board

One Laptop Per Child XO Computer
Give One Get One Program
Explore the XO

Can technology have a role in reducing student drop out rates?
"'Dropout Factory' at Some State Schools" Seattle PI 10/27/2007
22 High Schools Labeled 'Dropout Factories'
" more than 60 percent of the students who start as freshmen make it to their senior year."

Access to Technology and Educational Blogs using Bloglines

Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 14th - Technology Leftovers

United Streaming
- See Discovery for user name and password

Google for Educators includes Tools for Your Classroom, Classroom Activities, Classroom Posters and Teacher Community

Google Docs in Plain English (YouTube)
Comparison of Using Google Docs and Conventional Wordprocessing (or Things to do with Google Docs)
Teacher Crib Sheet for Docs
Collaborative Revisions with Google Docs
Article: "Getting Good with Google Docs" (TechLearning, 10/07)
Google Earth Blog

Library Resources
Books, Print Journals & Curriculum Materials
Online Databases - ERIC & Education Research Complete

Other Resources
PowerPoint Templates - See links in Week 13 under Presentation Software Tools
Creating a podcast using Freecorder - Download Freecorder Toolbar - User Guide
Password Safe - create a secure name/password database on your computer

Good Books
Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin
- About building schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World by John Wood
- Room for Books program
A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers will Rule the Future by Daniel Pink
Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled -- and more miserable than Ever Before by Jean Twenge

Educating the First Digital Generation
by Paul Harwood and Victor Asal
"Don't Bother me Mom -- I'm Learning": How Computer and Video Games are Preparing Your Kids for 21st Century Success -- and How You Can Help by Marc Prensky

Teacher Standards - How are you doing?
Professional Preparation Performance Profile

Please take a survey using Zoomerang Survey Software

Remember to sign up for your Final Presentation day & order

Monday, November 12, 2007

Week 13 - Presentation Software & Google For Educators

Presentation Software Tools:

PowerPoint (Microsoft)
Keynote (Apple)
Google Docs

Some Resources:
Article: Create Great Classroom Presentations
Article: Google Docs Presentations
Teacher Templates: PowerPoint
Brainy Betty PowerPoint Menu
PowerPoint Games
Interactive: PowerPoint 2003 to PowerPoint 2007 Command Reference Guide

Keynote (Apple) Tutorial

Article: Adding Voice Narration to PowerPoint: Microsoft: “Voice Narration

Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0: Part 2 Office Applications

Google for Educators
includes: Tools for Your Classroom, Classroom Activities, Classroom Posters and Teacher Community

Google Docs in Plain English (YouTube)
Comparison of Using Google Docs and Conventional Wordprocessing (or Things to do with Google Docs)
Teacher Crib Sheet for Docs
Collaborative Revisions with Google Docs
Article: "Getting Good with Google Docs" (TechLearning, 10/07)

Google Earth Blog

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Week 13 - Evaluating Web Sites

Web Page Evaluation
Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask from UC Berkley Library
Evaluation Criteria (Susan Beck, New Mexico State U.)

Class Activity: Look at one of the following web site and evaluate it using the Evaluation Criteria list. Is the web site a credible source of information? Why or why not?

Group 1 Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus
Group 2 Moonbeam Enterprises
Group 3 Faked Moon Landings
Group 4 Google Technology
Group 5 History of Fisher Price Airplane

Web-Based Activities

Defined: "A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet..." B. Dodge
The WebQuest Page
Example: Voices from the Past: An Oral History WebQuest

Virtual Field Trips
Examples: Bodie, California, A Gold Mining Boomtown in the 1800s
Colonial House, A Tour of Life in the Colonial Era

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Week 12 - NU Alumni Panel

Class will be held in HSC 200

Our special guests will be:
Jeremy Kowalski, Technician, Information Management Services, Renton School District
Laurie Sween, Education Coordinator, Hope Heart Institute, Seattle
Casey Ward, Science Teacher, Redmond Middle School

Pizza, beverage and dessert will be provided

Bring your questions and be ready for a great time as we dialogue with NU grads who have a great passion for teaching.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week 11 - SMARTBoard Activities

Today you will present a SMARTBoard activity as required for Assignment #5. Click here to sign up. MIT students and School of Education faculty have been invited to join us.

Monday Night Practice Schedule

Friday, October 26, 2007

Week 10 - Individual Time with the SMARTBoard

Come at the time you signed up for to practice the activity that you will be presenting in class next week (Assignment #5). Let me know if you would like to have additional time before next week.

Monday Night Practice Schedule

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Week 9 - Internet Safety & Cyberbullying

Children’s Internet Protection Act (2000)

Resources: WebSites
CyberSmart – Online Professional Development and Curriculum
Surf Swell Island: Adventures in Internet Safety (Disney)
Pacer Center's Kids Against Bullying
A Parent’s Guide to Online Safety: Ages & Stages (Mircosoft)

Resources: Articles
"ABC's of Bullying Prevention" by K. Stone (2006)
"As bullies go high-tech, lawmakers say schools should be fighting back" Seattle Times (2007) "Educator's Guide to Cyberbullying: Addressing the Harm Caused by Online Social Cruelty" by N. Willard

Resources: Software & Options
iSAFE - Internet Safety Instruction
iSAFE statistics
Websense – School & Library Internet Filtering Software
iProtectYou – Web Filtering Software
NetNanny – Popular Software for home use
Google Safe
Yahoo SafeSearch

Acceptable Use Policies
K-20 Network Acceptable Use Policy - Sample

In Class Project: Use a "new" search engine or metacrawler (See Class Blog - Week 3) to search for the "Acceptable Use Policy" in the school (or district) where you are doing your observation or at the high school you attended. What does the policy cover? What will be your responsibility as a teacher if you teach in this school district?

Week 9 - Productivity Software

How-to Articles for Teachers (Tips on using Word, Excel, PowerPoint & other software) by Microsoft
Microsoft Lesson Plans for Students & Teachers
Help and How To: All Microsoft Office Products
2007 Microsoft Office System Courses

Word Processing

Word (Microsoft)
Pages (Apple)
Google Docs & Spreadsheets

Some Resources:
Word 2007 Tutorial
Interactive: Word 2003 to Word 2007 Command Reference Guide
Pages Tutorials


Excel (Microsoft)
Numbers (Apple)
Google Docs

Some resources:
Excel: Excel Basics for Beginners
Article: Excel in the Classroom
Using Spreadsheets in K-12 Classrooms
M & M Graphs Math Lesson
Microsoft Excel Modules (Internet4Classrooms)
Interactive: Excel 2003 to 2007 Command Reference Guide
Numbers Tutorial

Presentation Software

PowerPoint (Microsoft)
Keynote (Apple)
Google Docs and Spreadsheets

Some Resources:
Tutorial: Electric Teacher - PowerPoint Tutorials
Article: Create Great Classroom Presentations
Article: Google Docs Presentations
Teacher Templates: PowerPoint
Brainy Betty PowerPoint Menu
PowerPoint Games
Interactive: PowerPoint 2003 to PowerPoint 2007 Command Reference Guide
Keynote Tutorial

Adding Voice Narration to PowerPoint: Microsoft: “Voice Narration

Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0: Part 2 Office Applications

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 8 - K12 Online Conference

The theme of the K12 Online Conference is Playing With Boundaries and runs from October 8th - October 27 with the Preconference Keynote by David Warlick on October 8. The conference schedule is available here and links to each session will be added as they are held.

We will not meet as a class on Tuesday, October 16th. Instead we are going to be part of the K12 Online Conference. Please do the following by our class on Tuesday, October 23rd:

1. "Join the Attendr map". The link is on the left side of the conference web page. You will need to set up an Attendr account by clicking on "add yourself". Add only as much information as you want. I didn't add our class blog to my profile as I didn't want to provide access to your blogs without your permission. Also sign the guest book if you would like to.

2. Listen/watch session of your choice.

3. By class on October 23rd add a post to your blog regarding the K12 Online Conference. Include title and name of presenter(s), a link to the session, along with a summary of the session and a reflection of what you learned.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Week 7 - Inspiration and Kidspiration

Inspiration and Kidspiration are just two of the many software available for classroom use. This software can be used to create a concept map, an idea map and many other mind mapping projects.

Examples & Quick Tours
Kidspiration Example - Social Studies
Kidspiration Quick Tour

Inspiration Example - Language Arts
Inspiration Quick Tour

Sample Projects
Kidspired Tales Collaboration projects using Kidspiration (K-2)
TOGETHER - Exchange Resources for Kidspiration
Teachers Using Inspiration & Kidspiration
Inspiration & Kidspiration: Teacher-Created Projects
(University of Wisconsin-Stout)

Lesson Plans & Ideas
TALK: Technology Assisting Literacy Knowledge Kidspiration Inspiration
Kidspiration and Inspiration Lesson Plan Ideas (Fayette County Public Schools - KY)
50 Uses for Inspiration and Kidspiration (University of Wisconsin-Stout)
Inspiration and Kidspiration in the Classroom

Washington State Standards & Inspiration & Kidspiration
Information & examples are given on how this software supports the Washington EALRS

Other Resources
Using the Kidspiration Activity Wizard
North Canton City Schools Technology Tutorials: Kidspiration
Educators Review Kidspiration 2
Inspiration/Kidspiration Tutorials and PowerPoints
Inspiration Basics
Learning Electric Inspiration Tutorials
Software ReviewsInspiration 8

Inspiration Web Page
List of Training Opportunities
Inspiration & Kidspiration and White Board Support

Play around with Inspiration or Kidspiration and create a document called "Why I want to be a teacher". Save this in a format that will allow others to open it if they don't have the software on their computer (see below) and use to add a link on your blog. Add a few comments regarding using this software in your classroom. If you have time create a document that a student in your class might create.

To save in Inspiration: First save as an .isf Then click on "transfer" button and transfer to Word or Apple Works. If you are using a Mac, please save in both Word and Works format so I can view it from your blog.

To save in Kidspiration: When you finish your project "go to writing" and click on "publish". Choose format and save. See note above if you are using a Mac.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Week 7 - Gradebook Software

Web Based: Free
Engrade is web based. A “tour” of the software as well as a “features” page and a page with user comments is available.
Chalksite is web based. An individual subscription is free, however only 5 students are able to have accounts. Subscription options are available.
GradeSource is web based and the free version comes with advertising. Subscription options are available.

Web Based: Free Trial Available
MyGradeBook is web based. A 30 day trial is available. ($49.95 per year)
GradeQuick is available as web based, or for Win or Mac. A 30 day trial is available. (school wide license only)

Web Based and/or Download: Free
Thinkwave (Win) has a free version with limited features. A subscription option with additional features and technical support and a web version are now available. ($35 - 80 per year)
ClassRoom GradeBook (Win) has a free version. A Pro edition is available with additional features. Subscription with 30 day trial

Download: Free Trial Available
Easy Grade Pro (Win or Mac) provides a free download for demonstration purposes, but once twelve or more students or assignments have been added, some of the features are disabled.Subscription options are available. ($48 per year)
Grade Point (Win or Mac) provides an evaluation copy for 30 days. ($26.06 per year)

Other Gradebook Software
Grade Machine, MicroGrade & Web Grader

Using Excel
Create an Electronic Gradebook (Excel 2003)
Managing Grades with Excel 2002
How to Create a Simple Grade Book Using Microsoft Excel 2007

School Management Systems
Software Directory

One Example

Million, J. (2000). Get Parents Tuned into Online Gradebooks

Friday, September 28, 2007

K12 Online Conference

K12 Online Conference 2007 "Playing with Boundaries"

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week 6 Group SMART Board

Take a look at the Educator Resources web page, especially the SMART Notebook Software Lesson Activities & State Standards page and select a couple of activities that you would like to play with using the SMART Board. As a group you will probably be able to run through two activities.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week 5 - Web 2.0 Tools

WEB 2.0 What is it?

PPT Presentation


Wiki Examples - Elementary:
Arbor Heights Elementary School Wiki (Seattle WA)
Our Favourites Graph

Blog & Wiki Examples - Secondary:
7th Grade Math Blog (not current)
Geometry Blog
Aristotle Experiment Wiki - Estancia High School

Wiki Tools:

PRACTICE: You used a wiki when you signed up for your SMART Board Group and Individual sessions. I have created a new page at Think about how you could use a wiki in your class and play around with some of the features.

Feel free to create your own wikis account in one of the tools listed above.

Educational Wikis
"Get Wild About Wikis!" from Education World
Tim Fredricks ELA Teaching Wiki

RadioWillowWeb from Willowdale Elementary School, Omaha, NE
Mabry Online from Marby Middle School, Marietta, GA
Mr. Langhorst's Web Classroom (8th grade American History) from South ValleyJr. High School, Liberty, MO

Freecorder User Guide
Ourmedia (free podcast hosting)
Media Max (free internet hosting)

PRACTICE: Download Freecorder or Audicity to your computer. Record a message, save it as a mp3 and use or create an account at Ourmedia or MediaMax and add a link to your podcast on your blog. Think about how you could incorporate podcasts into your classroom.

EPN: Education Podcast Network
Podcasting Tools
"iPod, upod" by G. Butterfield, 2007
Make Your Voice Heard: Creating a Podcast is Easier than you Think” by J. Branzburg, 2006
Podcasting 101: How educators can use this technology” by M. Dionne, 2006
Podcasting” Vincent, T, 2006

Elementary Art Group
Jane Goodall's Camp (Created by a 3rd Grader)
Lewis Elementary School

Microsoft Photo Story

PRACTICE: Create a Flickr account or download Picasa to your computer. Create a album that you can post to the web using pictures that you brought to class or that you take with a digital camera. To upload pictures to Picasa web album you will need to log in using your Google account. Think about how you could use Flickr or Picasa in your classroom. Have some fun with Flickr Mashups.

FlickrEdu: The Promise of Social Networks by D. Baird, 2005
My Friend Flickr by A. Standen, 2007
Flickr Photo Sharing U Tech Tips on YouTube
Picasa in the Classroom
Flickr Mashups- Spell with Flickr -Trading Card Maker - Flickr Sukoko
Also see list at Flickr Tools and Flickr Bits
W E B 2 full stop Zero

Examples & Tools:
Google for Educators: Tools for your Classroom
*Google Earth
-Google Earth Lessons
-Embedding Google My Maps
-Explore Your Earth
Google Co-op
Google Cheat Sheet
Google for Educators: A Three Hour Tour - A Workshop for K-12 Educators by K. Jarrett

PRACTICE: Download Google Earth and check out it's features. See Classroom Activities or Google Earth Lessons for ideas. Check out other Google tools such as Calendar, SketchUp or Google Co-op.

Cool Text Graphics Generators
Generator Blog - "Blog about software that creates software"
FD's Flickr Toys - "Producers of fine toys and amusements for your digital photographs"

PRACTICE: Have fun using one or more of these web sites. Think about how you could use image generators in the classroom.

DEF: Delivery of regularly updated information over the web

Tools: Bloglines

EXERCISE: Find two or three blogs or websites that you look at on a regular basis (see list on Class Blog). Create a bloglines account and add your selected blogs/sites.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 5 - More Web 2.0 Tools

Social Bookmarking - "For all the web sites you want to get back to... "
-"Simply Online Social Bookmarking" by D. Muir
-"5 Things you Need to Know before using" by R. Newburn
Furl - "Your personal web file"
Stumbleupon - "Discover new sites"

Online Storage - Web based file access and sharing
Media Max - "Best online storage on the web"

Web Start Pages
Pageflakes - "Personalize your homepage..."

Online Applications
Chat Creator - "Add chat to your site"
Map - "...tag locations on a map and publish it on your own site"
Zoho Creator - "Create online database applications in minutes"

Free Internet Calls

Create Personal Search Engine
Google Co-op - "Create your own search engine"
Rollyo - "Roll your own search engine"

Visual Sharing
Gliffy - "Draw and share diagrams on the web"
Skrbl - "The complete web whiteboard"

Office 2.0
Google Docs & Spreadsheets
Zoho Office Suite

LibraryThing - "Catalog your books online"
TaDa Lists - "Simple, sharable to-do lists"
AssignADay - "Teacher-created calendars to manage classes and assignments"

Other Resources
Web 2.0 Tools by Kathy Schrock
Shedding Lite on Web 2.0 by Kathy Schrock
Web 2.0 Ideas for Educators: A Guide to RSS and More by Quentin D'Souza (753KB)
The Best Web 2.0 Software for 2006

Friday, September 7, 2007

Week 3 - Web Design


Using HTML Code (a web host is needed)
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is used to create web pages using a text editor. XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language) is a stricter and cleaner version of HTML. Using XHTML guidelines will guarantee that your web page will "work" in all web browsers. Text editors include Notepad, Wordpad or Simple Text (Mac)

Using a HTML Editor (a web host is needed)
CoffeeCup Software provides a HTML editor and 31 additional programs including Form Builder, Video Player, Photo Gallery, Live Chat, Web Calendar & gif Animator. Programs can be purchased separately or bundled together. The one-time purchase comes with free upgrades and support for life. Free web design software is also available including the HTML Editor (9.0), an Image Viewer and a DHTML Menu Builder. See CoffeeCup's offer for "Free Software for Schools". CoffeeCup is offering a special deal to NU School of Education students --see professor for details.

Other HTML Editors
Nvu is a free open source “web authoring system” for Windows, Mac and Linux.
NoteTab is a text and HTML editor similar to Microsoft's Notepad. NoteTab Light is free.
Microsoft Office Live Basics provides free domain name and web hosting

Using a WYSIWYG Editor (a web host is needed)
Dreamweaver is one of the leading web development tools. A free 30 day trial is available. Cost for Dreamweaver CS3: Full $399, Education version $199. See Dreamweaver CS3 Featured Tour for details regarding design tools and best practices.

FrontPage has been part of the Microsoft Office Suite but is now replaced replaced with two products that Microsoft is calling the Next Generation Authoring Tools: SharePoint Designer 2007 and Expression Web

Using a Template or Wizard Located at Online Site (usually hosted by site)
Blogs and Wikis are web pages that are easy to create. See "Using Blogs and Wikis in the Classroom"

Page Creator hosted by Google. Example
Geocities hosted by Yahoo.

As a NU student you can request 50MB of web space. Directions for setting up your web space is available here.

Some Internet Service Providers offer web design software and publishing as part of their package. Verizon is one example

Companies such as Lunarpages provide a place to host a web site starting at $6.95 per month. Lunarpages provides a domain as part of their package and CoffeeCup web design software is now part of their package for subscribers

A Few Resources...
A Teachers Guide to School Web Sites (2004)
HTML Goodies - Introduction to HTML
Dave Raggett's Introduction to HTML
W3 Schools - Full Web Building Tutorials (free)

Cool Classroom & School Sites....
EduHound Classrooms on the Web
Mrs. Nelson's Class (2nd Grade)
Mr. Leahy's Class (5th Grade)
Mr. S. Smith's 5th Grade
Mr. Langhorst's Web Classroom (8th Grade)
Lake Washington Kangs
Juanita High School

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Week 3 - Searching the Internet

Search Engines & Directories
Windows Live Search

Search Engine Reviews

Class Activity: With the person next to you decide on a topic for a web search. Using the same term(s) do a search in two search engines. Compare the results.

Meta-Search Engines


Meta-Search Engines Tutorial (2007, UC Berkley Library)

Search Tools for Kids
Ask Jeeves for Kids

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Welcome the Technology in Education class blog. This blog will provide an outline of what we will be covering in class as well as links to web sites and articles that will be helpful to you as a teacher.

I look forward to our time together this semester and hope that you have fun exploring new technology and new ways of providing learning opportunities for your students.

Professor Sorenson

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Week 2 Copyright, Fair Use & Plagiarism


The first copyright law was enacted in 1790 to encourage the advancement of science and creativity. According to that law individuals had to apply for copyright protection and the term of copyright was 14 years, plus a possible 14 year renewal.

The Copyright Law of 1976 provides for immediate protection of work that is a)original, b) creative to a minimal degree, and c) in a fixed or tangible form. The term of copyright was the life of the author plus 50 years.

The Digital Millennium Act of 1998 extended the terms of copyright to life of author plus 70 years. In 2001 the Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act was passed and relates to distance education.

Creative Commons (founded in 2001) provides a way for individuals to protect their work, but also encourage certain uses of them. They provide various license possibilities some with “some rights reserved” and some with “no rights reserved” and provide an easy way to add the html code to a web site. Photos on Flickr often display the CC symbols.

Fair Use is part 107 of the Copyright Law and sets guidelines for allowing teachers and students to use copyrighted material legally depending on four factors:
--purpose of use
--nature of the work
--amount used
--effect on the market

Web Sites Regarding Copyright & Fair Use
Copyright with Cyberbee
"A Visit to Copyright Bay"
Fair(y) Use Tale

Articles Regarding Copyright & Fair Use
Starr, L. (2006) "Copyright & Fair Use"
Davidson, H (2002) “The Educator’s Guide to Copyright and Fair Use"
"Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for Teachers" Chart
Indiana University “Copyright Management Center"

Remember ....
*Work does not need to include a copyright symbol to be protected by copyright law. Original work that has a tangible form of expression is automatically copyrighted.
*Permission & Attribution - It is important to seek permission for educational use. Always provide proper attribution of the work of others whether materials is copyrighted or in the public domain.

Plagiarism is using the work of someone else in such a way that it appears as one’s original work.
Detection Tools
EVE2 (Essay Verification Engine)

Week 2 - Technology Standards


Technology & EALRs & GLEs
K-12 Technology Inventory (06/07)
Thinkfinity - Linking Lesson Plans with Washington State Standards
Technology Use in Classroom


Standards for Students - The Next Generation
NETS for Students: Achievement Rubric (2005)
Profiles for Technology Literate Students (2007 draft)

Teacher Achievement Rubric
Profiles for Technology Literate Teachers
- Professional Preparation Performance Profile

Models of Technology Integration
Connecting Curriculum & Technology - See Section 3 for Lesson Plans

Major Subject Areas

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Week 1 - Blogging

What is a Blog?

A blog or weblog is a web site that is easy to create, update and publish. They are created for various reasons and usually consist of ideas, reflections, projects and links to other blogs or web sites. Blogs are common in the education field as teachers and classes using the blog format to share thoughts and ideas and to collaborate on projects.

Anne Davis, an elementary school teacher in Georgia created a list of "Ways to Use Weblogs in Education" in her blogs called EduBlog Insights. Also see "A Place to Be Heard: Elementary Writers Learn to Love their Weblogs" written by Anne Davis regarding student blogs.

Elementary School Examples
Green Meadow Elementary School Blog
Meriwether Lewis Elementary School Blog

Middle & Secondary School Examples
Guerrila Season Book Blog -- Mr. Langhort's American History (8th grade) at South Valley Junior High School in Liberty MO
Applied Math -- Darren Kuropatwa, math teacher in Winnipeg

Example of Blogging Guidelines
Technology in the Classroom



Mr. C's Class Blog
Mrs. Elliott's Fourth Grade Beach Party

Blogger Tips & Tricks
What's A Blog Tour
Classroom Blogs and Wiki's

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Creating a Blog Using


Create a New Post

*Choose Create tab
*Add title to the "Title" box
*Add body of entry
*If you are not ready to publish what you are working on you click on "Save Now"
*If you are ready to publish, click on "Publish Post"
*You can add labels for your post by typing words in "Labels for this post:" box

Edit Posts
*Choose Edit Posts tab
*Make changes and "Save" or "Publish"

You might want to change some of the settings to make your blog more secure.

*"Add your blog to our listing" - change to No

*"Enable Comment Moderation" - default is No. If you want to see moderate comments before they are visible to others change to Yes
*"Show Word Verification" - default is No. If you want to make sure that spammers are not adding comments change to Yes

You can add new posts to your blog via email by creating an email address at

*Fill in the box following "Mail-to-Blogger Address"
*If you want the post to auto publish directly to your blog click in the Publish box
* The subject line in your email becomes the title of your post

Page Elements:
You can add a number of elements to your page such as a link list, pictures and text lists
Click on "Add a Page Element" to see the elements that are available.

To add a Link List:
*Click on "Add A Page Element"
*Click on "Add to Blog" under "Link List"
*Type "Title" in box (eg. "Blogs of Classmates")
*Type "New Site URL" in box (blog address)
*Type "New Site Name" in box (classmates initials)
*Click on "Add Link" to add another link to the same category
*Click on "Save Changes" - Choose sorting option if desired

Click on "View Blog" at any time to see what you blog looks like with the changes you have made. Be aware that only "Published" posts will show up.


Using Google Docs